According to Access Wise Partners, the successful financing of a business depends on the convincing answers that its Management provides to the following questions:
- Which business plan do you want to finance and on which strategy is it based on?
- What are the risks of this plan’s failure?
- When and to what security percentage can the said funding be repaid?
- Do the resources (material and human) for backing this plan exist and if so,to what extent?
The integrated “Ecosystem” of products, services, partners and collaborating companies of Access Wise Partners is at the customers’ service, ensuring that all the requirements of the financing request towards institutional bodies (Banks, Development Law, subsidized programs) or private investors and Funds, are thoroughly prepared.
What we undertake in this particular context is the following:
Formulation of a new strategy or revision of an existing one and development of a business plan
Preparation of the investment proposal - where required - and defining the optimal financing scheme
Approaching private investment funds
Presentation of the business plan and the investment proposal to institutional or independent investors and investment companies - Funds
Negotiation of the financing terms with Banks or private investors and investment companies
Utilizing other available tools for financing (the Development Law, the National Strategic Reference Framework -NSRF) and other European programs.